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The cause of affecting the burning of rubber

Author:admin Time:2017-08-04 22:19:32
The scorching of rubber is a kind of advanced sulfurization behavior, that is, the pre vulcanization phenomenon appeared before all processes before vulcanization, such as rubber, storage, extrusion, calender, molding, so it can also be called early vulcanization.
The scorching of rubber is a kind of advanced sulfurization behavior, that is, the pre vulcanization phenomenon appeared before all processes before vulcanization, such as rubber, storage, extrusion, calender, molding, so it can also be called early vulcanization.
The causes of the burning phenomenon are as follows:
(1) improper design of the formula, unbalance of vulcanization system and supernormal dosage of vulcanizing agent and accelerant.
(2) for some kinds of plastics that need to be refined, the plastic is not required, the plasticity is too low and the colloid is very strong, which causes the sharp rise of the gelatin. Rubber roller machine or other device (such as back mixing machine, rolling machine) and the cooling temperature is too high, not enough, may also lead to the scorch.
(3) when the mixture is discharged, the outlet is too thick, the heat is not good enough, or it is not stored in the cooling way, that is to say, it will rush to accumulate and store. With the poor ventilation and high temperature, the accumulation of heat will also cause coke burning.
(4) the management of the material is not good in the storage process. After the use of the remaining coke burning time is exhausted, it is still not used, and the natural coke is burned. The harm of coke burning: processing difficulties; affecting the physical properties of the product and the smooth and smooth surface of the outer surface; and even the disconnection of the joint at the product.
The method of preventing scorch:
(1) the design of the rubber material should be suitable and reasonable, such as a variety of ways to use the accelerator as much as possible. Inhibition of scorch. In order to adapt to high temperature, high pressure and high speed refining process, a proper amount of anti scorching agent (0.3 to 0.5) can be used in the formula.
(2) to strengthen the cooling measures for rubber in the process of rubber making and subsequent operations, mainly through strict control of machine temperature, roller temperature and ensuring enough cooling water circulation, so that the operation temperature does not exceed the scorching critical point.
(3) pay attention to the management of semi-finished products. Every batch should follow the flow card, implement the "first in first out" storage principle, and stipulate that the longest storage time per vehicle must not exceed. The storeroom should have good ventilation.
